66732 GBRf The First Decade 1999 - 2009 John Smith - MD + 66736 Wolverhampton Wanderers + 66734 PLATINUM JUBILEE 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh Yard.
The consist was mainly FEA-W flats, but also included two 'Salmon' KFAs, a wagon type seen less often since Freightliner stopped using them. This is TIPH 93416, built by Rautaruukki, Finland in 1987-88, which was in a post-overhaul condition in GBRf intermodal service in summer 2022.
The second was TIPH 93477, which was overhauled at Eastleigh, arriving 28th March 2020. LTSV also shows that this was in intermodal usage from 2020 -2022.