Saturday, 19 October 2024

14th - 19th October 2024


70811 at Eastleigh, 14th October.

Volker Rail Kirow 125t crane DRK 81613.

701008 5Q59 10:11½ Wimbledon Park Depot Sdgs - Eastleigh Trsmd, Eastleigh, 14th October.

59005 KENNETH J PAINTER 6O68 09:11 Westbury Tarmac - Crawley F.Y.(Flhh), Romsey, 18th October.

Monday 14th October: 57306 + 801202 5X82 13:04 Reading - Eastleigh, 57306 0M83 15:42 Eastleigh - Nuneaton Flickr for the day
Tuesday 15th October:
Wednesday 16th October:
Thursday 17th October:
37407 5Z69 09:25 Kidderminster - Eastleigh one Flickr for the day; 43251 + 43272 1X23 15:28:Salisbury - Redbridge Southampton - Salisbury (1Q23 afterwards one two three)
Friday 18th October: 37407 (+ 700106) 7Q70 07:02 Eastleigh - Three Bridges one two three Flickr for the day; 66533 + orange repaint 70020 4O90 06:04 Leeds -  Maritime (70020 failed on first time out, lost two hours at Appleford, then 90 more minutes in sidings at Didcot for a shunt) one two three Flickr for the day
Saturday 19th October: 43423 + 43467 6Z72 10:50 Wembley - Eastleigh one, 5Z73 15:46 Eastleigh - Kidderminster Flickr for the day; 70007 failed near East Grimstead with 4O22 00:26 Trafford Park - Maritime, was rescued  by 66413, with a 4 hour line blockage.