Saturday, 28 September 2024

23rd - 28th September 2024


66588 seen in shunt manoeuvres at the Redbridge end of Maritime, 24th September.

66799 Modern Railways Diamond Jubilee passing Eastleigh with  4Y19 12:22 Mountfield - Western Docks, 24th September. Image by Roger Homan.

Monday 23rd September: 57002 - now with LSL, for paintshop - (+ 6393 + 41059 + 6394) 5Z44 08:15 Crewe - Eastleigh one Flickr for the day; 37401 + 57003 (+ 6394 + 6393 +41183) + 43058 5Z45 15:00 Eastleigh - Crewe one two Flickr for the day (37401 failed at Bletchley with low oil pressure, rescued on 24th by 86101); 73962 + 73965 1Q51 11:15 Derby - Laverstock - Romsey - Eastleigh - Weymouth - Eastleigh one
Tuesday 24th September: 69009 (+ 458411) 5X64 12:18 Wembley - Southampton one two, 5Q64 16:03 Southampton - Bournemouth - returned to Eastleigh with 458502; 37057 3Q01 23:38 Woking - Eastleigh
Wednesday 25th September: 73962 + 73965 1Z53 12:00 Eastleigh - Salisbury, 1Q53 16:00 Salisbury - Eastleigh; 69009 (+ 458502) 5Q95 17:49 Eastleigh - Widnes; 37057 3Q02 21:40 Eastleigh - Weymouth - St Denys - Fratton - St Denys - Eastleigh
Thursday 26th September: 73962 + 73965 1Q54 12:55 Eastleigh - Reading; 37057 3Q04 21:37 Eastleigh - Southampton - Totton ? - Reading
Friday 27th September: 37057 3Q40 2353 Reading - Paddington - Northam - Woking
Saturday 28th September: 

Class 99 is launched by GBRf at Innotrans: pictures - video