Saturday 11 November 2017
DCR fleet for sale, 11th November 2017
Many seen here when the Railvac was kept at Totton.
Some of the Class 31s are familiar to us from the Wessex Railways T&T service, when operated by Fragonset.
For sale:
31190 Stored serviceable Wolsingham
31452 In service Washwood Heath
31454 Component recovery Washwood Heath
31468 Component recovery Wolsingham
31601 Component recovery Washwood Heath
31602 Component recovery Wolsingham
56091 Stored unserviceable Washwood Heath
56103 Stored unserviceable Washwood Heath
56128 Component recovery Washwood Heath
56303 In service (yesterday) Washwood Heath
56311 Stored unserviceable Washwood Heath
56312 Stored serviceable Washwood Heath
PDF of the offer document
"Bid submissions: 16/11/17 midday
Washwood Heath locomotives must be collected by Tuesday 28th November."
Full circumstances and background not yet known.